Features & benefits

AltiSeal is an oil-based concentrate that is used as a deep penetrating sealant and structural reinforcement of weathered and unfinished wood:

AltiSeal appearance
  • High waterproofing
  • Structural reinforcement
  • Zero VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)
  • 100% Active concentrate – no solvent
  • Oil based
  • Environmentally friendly
  • High renewable content
  • Stable product – no shaking required
  • Non-flammable
  • Cleans with dish soap and water
  • Enhances the natural color and appearance of wood

AltiSeal is not a stain, but it does bring out the natural color and texture of wood. Older and weathered wood can deviate a lot from the original color. The effect of the coating will be very similar to the what the wood looks like when wet in the rain. It is important to note that that a gradient in weathering, damage or incomplete previous treatments can be visually enhanced by AltiSeal. Best would be to avoid the situation by using AltiSeal right from the start!